Adam Claybourne Klausner
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Revived Man Questionnaire
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Must see videos that changed my life
A playlist I would send to a friend who wanted to turn their life around
About me
My name is Adam Claybourne Klausner
I am a carpenter/tradesmen, singer/songwriter, and landscape acrylic painter.
I was raised in Northern California and home schooled till 7th grade. I tested out of school at 16 and began traveling the USA with my brother. We first went to Maui, and that led us to Maine, and everywhere in between. We played music and worked with Elliott Hulse at his Grounding Camps during this period of time as well.
I met my wife in Maine, and as of now we have two daughters, and live in Northern California.
My mission
I’m a born again believer in Messiah Yahshua and bond servant to Yahweh. Everything good in my life is a direct blessing from my father in heaven. I want to pursue a life in a direction towards Him and pleasing him.
I make my income being a craftsman, all my talking videos and art are purely for evangelism and giving back some beauty into the world.
I’m here to share what I’m learning, my imperfections, lessons, and shed light in dark times.